We were tasked with building a Music Player designed by the UI/UX design team. The team had to choose the best amongst the several designs UI/UX teams provided.
The team had a project kickoff meeting on the 4th of July, 2022 at exactly 9pm. We discussed the feasibility of the project as we had limited time. By the end of the meeting, we had defined our project goals and scope.
Choosing the best design came with its own responsibilities, we had to complete a little over 15 screens in one week and implement APIs.
Trust us to always remind you what APIs are. APIs serve as a middleware. They both provide wide range of capabilities and functionalities to Software Applications.
The Music Application Player major features:
Splash Screen
Onboarding Screens
Authentication Screens
Social Media Integration
Lyrics View
Now Playing Screen
Profile Screen
Music Categorization
Create Playlist
Search Screen
The Splash Screen
If you aren't coming from a Mobile Application development background, a splash screen is a boot screen, boot skin or welcome screen. It's the first screen you see and it houses the Logo.
The Onboarding screens
The Onboarding screen in this project is known as FUX -The First User Experience
The Onboarding Screen connects a user the the first-run experience.
The Authentication Screens
The Authentication and Authorization screens provides highly personalized user experience for our users and enhanced exposure.
Social Media Integration
A simple social media integration within an app can enhance the app's functionality. Users get frustrated when the authentication processes become hectic. Social media Integrations ease the process. These socials have provided APIs and have redefined the way social media networks can be utilized.
Lyrics View
We all like to sing along, don't we? When your voice is harmonious, it's huge flex. The lyrics view tops all of it and makes our music app A+.
Music Categorization
Users must feel flexibility to search the tracks and artists. For a smooth experience, we have might provided categorization by playlists, genres, popularity, other ratings, year of recording, mood, etc.
The Music App provides clear interface and navigation as extra features. Users can intuitively navigate through the application.
Conclusion: The application satisfies the average user experience. Through the development of the Music player, the team yet again delivered justice and a hundred percent compliance to design. The team did not get the APIs until a night before the deadline, we hope to implement the APIs for full functionality the coming week.